1 What are the charges for Creating Booking ?
Ans. Creating Booking is Free of cost for lifetime as you are already paying someone to earn booking.
2 What are the charges for accepting 3S Cabs’s Vendor to Vendor booking ?
Ans. For accepting 3S Cabs’s vendor to vendor booking we charge 2.5 % of package cost.
3. What is the rate list of various Cabs category in 3Scabs for Creator ?
Ans. We don’t have a rate list of various Cabs for creator they can create booking as per there wisdom and experiences and rate prevalent in there region.
4. Who Can become creator?
Ans. Anyone who has an active package in just dial or google ads can become creator, otherwise if a acceptor has completed 25 duties with rating of above 3 can become creator.
5. Who can become acceptor?
Ans. Anyone who has uploaded his aadhar and pan card document verified from back end will be approved as acceptor after time lapse of 3 to 4 hrs.
6.) Is there is any cancellation charge if creator cancels booking?
Ans.There are no cancellation charges for creator. But if creator cancels a duty after a vendor has paid for it we deduct the same charges from the creator account and transfer it to acceptor amount.
7) Is there is any cancellation charge if acceptor cancels booking?
Ans.There are no cancellation charges for creator. But we dont refund the amount that is deducted from acceptor account.
8) How Referral system is working?
Ans. Whenever you refer a Taxi operator or Tour Agent he will become acceptor as well as whenever he accepts duty you will get 50 credits in your wallet.