Monthly Taxi Service in Noida
The Cost
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How we are better than carpool apps and ola uber?
Dedicated Manpower deployed. Hence consistency and on time service which is not present in carpool.
Pick up drop @ your office (@15000 Rs monthly) / Pick up and drop from common point like Shankar Chowk/Gaur Chowk/Parthala Chowk (@9000 Rs monthly).
No worn out Drivers as in Ola/Uber due to over work load hence frequent accidents and quarrel.
Good Condition Tyres and not as in Ola/Uber taxi where tyres can burst anytime. Due to under paid services.
No frequent Stoppages like in Shuttl as they carry large number of individuals approximately 12 to 16 or even more individuals. Hence Saving Time & time is money.
No Surge pricing.
No MCD Toll, State Tax for each ride.
No waiting for more than 5 mints for other members of the ride.
We Provide Monthly Cab Services From Rajnagar/ Shastri Nagar/ Kavi Nagar/ Crossing Republik / Gaur City/Noida Extension to Gurgaon .